Client accepted tutorial

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[if allf_bakd_prod_page_yesn equals="Yes"]
[/if allf_bakd_prod_page_yesn] [if allf_show_icon_menu equals="Yes"]
[/if allf_show_icon_menu] [if allf_bakd_view_page_yesn equals="Yes"]
[/if allf_bakd_view_page_yesn] [if allf_bakd_slim equals="Yes"]
[/if allf_bakd_slim]


Active opportunities


Active roles


Contacts in your network



Project Manager - Maurice Mossby has accepted this role. Please review and send to Client. - view opportunity View
Congratulations, the client Jill Waites accepted your opportunity for the role Project Manager - view the opportunity
Hide this alert


See network
(function($){ // Kill any links with the deadLink class applied $('.deadLink').click( function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); })(jQuery); // Instance the tour var tour = new Tour({ template: "

", storage: false, steps: [ { orphan: true, backdrop: true, template: "

", title: "Opportunity sent ", content: "When you send an opportunity to a client, you will need to wait for them to accept or reject it." }, { element: "#clientAccepted", title: "Client accepted the opportunity ", content: "When the client accepts an opportunity you will be notified by an alert on your dashboard. You will also be notified via email.", placement: "bottom" }, { element: "#viewOpportunityLink", template: "

", title: "View opportunity ", content: "Please click the link to proceed.", placement: "bottom" } ] }); jQuery(window).load(function($) { tour.init(true); tour.start(true); tour.goTo(0); });
[if allf_sadm_back equals="Yes"] [/if allf_sadm_back] [if allf_bakd_slim equals="Yes"]
[/if allf_bakd_slim] [if allf_bakd_view_page_yesn equals="Yes"]
[/if allf_bakd_view_page_yesn] [if allf_bakd_prod_page_yesn equals="Yes"]
[/if allf_bakd_prod_page_yesn]