Superadmin support

[if bord_colr_type equals="Single"] [/if bord_colr_type] [if bord_colr_type equals="Random"] There are no views with that ID [/if bord_colr_type]

Superadmin support


  • hexx_clas="hexx-0000" hexx_id=44542]
  • e
[if bord_bred_yesn equals="Yes"][/if bord_bred_yesn] [if bord_icnb_yesn equals="Yes"]
[/if bord_icnb_yesn]

Hex menu manager

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Hex colour: deep orange - border only


Sub colour 1: 255,204,188

Sub colour 2: 255,171,145

Sub colour 3: 255,138,101

Sub colour 4: 255,112,67

Sub colour 5: 255,87,34

Sub colour 6: 244,81,30

Sub colour 7: 230,74,25

Sub colour 8: 216,67,21

Sub colour 9: 191,54,12

Hex style

#44542 .hexx.hexx-0001 polygon{fill:url(#hxps-hexx-0001)}

#44542 .hexx.hexx-0002 polygon{fill:url(#hxps-hexx-0002)}

#44542 .hexx.hexx-0003 polygon{fill:url(#hxps-hexx-0003)}

#44542 .hexx.hexx-0004 polygon{fill:url(#hxps-hexx-0004)}

#44542 .hexx.hexx-0005 polygon{fill:url(#hxps-hexx-0005)}

#44542 .hexx.hexx-0006 polygon{fill:url(#hxps-hexx-0006)}

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